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Our story

During our careers at large and mid-sized insurance companies we extensively worked with professional service providers. Despite all the efforts to manage progress, control cash-out and budgets, as well as reviewing and approving myriads of invoices, we never felt there was sufficient transparency and trust in the relationships with our suppliers.

When we saw that professional service providers share the exact same discomfort, we founded trueLedger with only one single purpose: Build a platform exactly as automated, simple and convenient as we would like to have it for ourselves!

Our vision

Conducting business with transparency, trust, efficiency, and convenience

Our mission

Make the procurement & management of professional services Transparent, Real-time, Undisputed and Efficient

Meet our team

Destined to make professional service management convenient, simple, and easy

Our clients and partners

A big thanks to our clients and partners above for the consent to share their names.

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